




分享 Personal profile template 个人简介范本
margaretmaggie 2022-2-25 16:17
Personal profile template: If anyone wants to introduce me, I hope to use the version I wrote. I think it's the best. Thank you: Margaret Maggie: Full name, Margaret Maggie Koran Heaven. Earth network blogger. Keen on public welfare travel, and has some attainments in culture and a ...
434 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 On the success key 成机之论
margaretmaggie 2022-2-25 15:43
Onthesuccesskey Thewaytosuccessorfailure,suchasplantingtrees, Deeprootsleadluxuriantleaves,deadrootsleadbranchesfall; Cuttinggrowswithcutting,& ...
311 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 My opinion of Jesus real identity 耶稣真身考
margaretmaggie 2022-2-25 15:19
My opinion of Jesus real identity In the Bible, Jesus said himself, his body is bread and wine is his blood. It turned out that he himself disclosed that :Jesus,is not human body. Since Jesus is the only mediator between God and the world, he should not be an ordinary huma ...
464 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 玛格丽特麦琪私房菜谱 之 味之道简析
margaretmaggie 2022-2-25 14:36
玛 丽特麦琪私房菜谱 之 味之道简析 一,味之道 本: 味之道,亦应合乎天道,顺生逆亡。 此分为三品:和顺为上,有顺有逆为中, 逆为下。 由于食材菜品,元 纷繁,变化万千,层出不穷, 此,实践中,围绕正清和顺四字要点 心,结合经典经验,多方尝试比较,分析成败得失, 操作时,综 ...
370 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 玛格丽特麦琪的私房菜谱 之 天厨心得
margaretmaggie 2022-2-23 17:19
玛 丽特麦琪的私房菜谱之天厨心得 本私房菜谱是由于本人追求符合天道的天厨做法而开创,所以基本上是对天道厨艺的心得感悟。 不能说这就是最正宗天道之法,只能说是我个人的 究探讨,至于正真的天道之法,希望有心人都努力去探寻辨别吧。 一,基本理念: 出于人类食欲需求,为达长寿健康,平安多 ...
300 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Maggie's private kitchen recipe: Passover vitality soup
margaretmaggie 2022-2-21 20:18
Maggie's private kitchen recipe: Passover vitality soup Margaret Maggie's private recipe is a recipe developed by myself ,because I'm interested in delicious foods and has some experiences.ALSO because I was inspired by nature power and combined with many experiences. The main style is to hop ...
438 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 玛格丽特麦琪的私房菜谱 之 逾越元气汤
margaretmaggie 2022-2-21 17:10
玛 丽特麦琪的私房菜谱 之 逾越元气汤 玛 丽特麦琪的私房菜谱,是对美食有兴趣也小有心得的本人,得到灵感,结合经验,而开发的菜谱。 主打风 是希望做法和材料用具等等,都崇尚自然,立求能最符合天然之道,同时兼顾注重环保,努力贴近健康绿色。 此可属于是独创了一种简洁的自然派的烹饪法,不属 ...
320 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Chapter 13: Two cold jokes 第十三篇: 冷笑话二则
margaretmaggie 2022-2-15 21:09
Chapter 13: Two cold jokes Ignorant people One day, an emissary was doubted because his some languages seemed to be not very idiomatic. Those who knew the language ,sharp-tongued ,laughed at him and said, what an emissary ! even can not use the language well.... The bird ...
381 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Chapter 12: Warm justice human world第十二篇:情义人间
margaretmaggie 2022-2-12 17:07
Chapter 12 one article in the series of "one sentence reveals the heaven secret" Warm justice human world Upper half Midday sunshine All active and positive are the bright blooming energy, their natures can make world improved. All passivity and bl ...
337 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 An ode: Goddess Athena 颂歌一首: 女神雅典娜
margaretmaggie 2022-2-10 17:42
An ode: Greece ever had polytheistic religion in ancient times, but later returned to God. lts long history had deep relations with the heaven road. True wisdom all must belongs to heaven road. So if there is a real goddess Athena, it must belong to God. Therefore, in this name, l write ...
609 次阅读|0 个评论


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