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发表于 2017-5-3 11:13:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\ksohtml\wps137.tmp.pngChinese Culture and Education Society of Canada
加拿大华文教育学会 / 加拿大華文教育學會
First Announcement – Call for The 5th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy (ICCLP5)
Global Chinese language education is developing fast. The way it is taught and related issues require particular attention. Brainstorming, in-depth studies, collective promotion, and improvement of the field to a higher level are some of the things that teachers in and out of Canada need to discuss. For this purpose, the Chinese Culture and Education Society of Canada (CCESC) has already successfully held four biennial International Conferences on Chinese Language Pedagogy successfully, with the sponsorship of Hanban – the Chinese National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of China, and the Education Office of the Chinese Consulate in Toronto. This year, we will move on to The 5th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy (ICCLP5). In addition to the same sponsors mentioned above, the ICCLP5 will be jointly organized by two units of the University of Toronto, i.e., the English/Chinese Translation Program of the Centre for French and Linguistics at the Scarborough Campus (UTSC) and the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). We hereby would like to invite every one of you to participate in this event.
会议日期:        2017 年 8 月 5 日星期六至 8 月 11 日星期五
Event dates:        Saturday, August 5, to Friday, August 11, 2017
8 月 4 日星期五:外埠与会者最迟抵达日
Friday, Aug. 4: The latest arrival date for out-of-town and out-of-country participants
8 月 5 日星期六:主题演讲、分组研讨、资源展示
Saturday, Aug. 5:        Keynote speeches, panel presentations, and the exhibition
ICCLP5, 1st announcement (C/E bilingual version), page 1 of 4

file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\ksohtml\wps13A.tmp.pngChinese Culture and Education Society of Canada
加拿大华文教育学会 / 加拿大華文教育學會
8 月 6 日-11 日: 证书培训、教育考察、文化交流
Aug. 6-11: Training for certification, educational tours, and cultural exchanges
举办地点:        加拿大安大略省多伦多市(详见第二号通知)
Event venue: U of T Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (See more details in the second announcement)
研讨内容 Symposium content: 1. 论题 Topics:
* 中文教育与教学法研究
Studies on Chinese language education and pedagogy
* 中华文化与语言的融合
The integration of Chinese culture into language teaching
* 移民社会双语并进课程
English/Chinese and Chinese/English bilingual courses in a society of immigrants
* 语言学视角的汉语教学
Linguistic approaches to Chinese language teaching and learning
* 所选教材及其灵活运用
Textbooks chosen and flexible adaptations of them
* 国际华文教学管理模式
Management models for heritage Chinese teaching and learning
* 网络资源开发的针对性
The targets for online resource development
2. 展示 Exhibition:
Achievements in teaching and learning, hardcopy textbooks, e-products, and so on.
与会人员 Participants:
1. 教育体制内的中文教师与研究生
Teachers of Chinese in the reguar educational system and graduate students
2. 中文学校、课后学校的教职人员
Teachers and staff members from private Chinese schools and after-school institutions
3. 有志于从事中文教学的未来教师
Prospective teachers who aspire to teach Chinese in the future
ICCLP5, 1st announcement (C/E bilingual version), page 2 of 4

file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\ksohtml\wps13D.tmp.pngChinese Culture and Education Society of Canada
加拿大华文教育学会 / 加拿大華文教育學會
4. 教育界相关行政官员与热心人士
Relevant educational administrators and those who care about the field
5. 语文出版与发行部门的管理人员
Language publishers and distributors
6. 双语项目及文化产品的研发者等
Developers and relevant personnel of bilingual and bicultural prodocts
注册登记:        请访问加拿大华文教育学会网址,获取 ICCLP5 的报
截止期:2017 7 7 日星期五
Registration: Please visit the website of the Chinese Culture and Education Society of Canada and retrieve the registration form:
Deadline: Friday, July 7, 2017
论文征稿 这部分详见报名表中的“论文题目与摘要”栏目。请提供 300 个字词以内的中文或英文论文摘要,附 3-5 个关键词。研讨会语言为中文或英文。无论单独或合写作者,每篇论文的发表限于 25 分钟,含问答时间。如欲咨询,可电邮多伦多大学吴小燕博士:
Call for papers: This part is seen in the section “Paper Title and Abstract” in the registration. The abstract is up to 300 words in English or in Chinese characters, with 3-5 keywords. The conference language is in English and/or Chinese. As a sole author or with a co-author, the presenter(s) will have 25 minutes, including the question and answer time. For any inquiries, you may contact Dr. Helen Xiaoyan Wu at the University of Toronto:
接受摘要: 7 月 7 日以后,第五届国际中文教学研讨会筹备委员会将予审核,一周内尽快回复结果。
Accepted abstracts:
After July 7, the organizational committe of the ICCLP5 will referee all the applications for presentations and make the selection decision as soon as possible within one week.
ICCLP5, 1st announcement (C/E bilingual version), page 3 of 4

file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\ksohtml\wps140.tmp.pngChinese Culture and Education Society of Canada
加拿大华文教育学会 / 加拿大華文教育學會
会务联络:        除论文摘要以外的会务,请与多伦多大学李剑钊博士
Contact: Other than the abstracts of paper presentations, for any affairs related to the ICCLP5, please contact Dr. Jianzhao Li of the University of Toronto: Attention: For those who need to apply for a visa to the ICCLP5, please let us know about this as early as possible.
会议费用 无论发表论文与否,出席者报到时均需以加币现金缴纳会议费,预付款已兑现者除外。一律开具收据。
Conference fee: Any participant, regardless of presenting a paper or not, needs to pay the registration fee in Canadian dollars in cash on the conference day, except for those whose payment has been received in advance. A receipt will be issued in each case.
[1] 加拿大华文教育学会会员:
CCESC member:
[2]    非学会会员:
Non-CCESC member:
[3] 全日制学生(需出示当年有效学生证):
Full-time student (with a valid student ID of the year):        $20.00
For anything that is not covered in this notice, please see our second announcement in due course.
We look forward to meeting you at the ICCLP5.
The organizational committee of The 5th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy (ICCLP5)
2017 年 2 月 February 2017
ICCLP5, 1st announcement (C/E bilingual version), page 4 of 4


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